Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Compressors K-000
  • For the first time, the compressor implements a piston group design that does not require lubrication and maintenance.
Compressors of the K-060-3 series
  • The compressors are characterized by high reliability and simplicity of design. The large power reserve of the electric motor allows such compressors to operate in a long-term mode.
K-120 compressor and KS-120 compressor stations
  • They provide increased air productivity and can be used in production conditions, replacing trunk systems in providing compressed air to CNC machines, pneumatic presses and other equipment.
Automatic compressor and alarm systems
  • AKSU installations are designed to supply drained compressed air to communication cables, automatically maintain constant overpressure in them, and control the tightness of the shell of communication cables.
Installation of pressure maintenance in communication cables (UPDKS-01)
  • The installation is designed to supply dry compressed air from a cylinder to communication cables, maintain constant air pressure in them and control the tightness of communication cables.


All Progress products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Progress: compressor equipment, electric motors, equipment for gas and oil pipelines
  • Hydraulic pumps Progress
    Hydraulic pumps
    GN-350, GN-340, etc.
  • Manual superchargers Progress
    Manual superchargers
    NVMr-500, etc.
  • Control units Progress
    Control units
    BUK-1 and others.
  • Servos Progress
    for nuclear power plants
  • Electromechanisms Progress
    MRO, MZO, etc.
  • Desiccant filters Progress
    Desiccant filters
    F-12-0.4, F-12-0.54, etc.
  • Electric motors Progress
    Electric motors
    DAK, DAO, DP, DC, etc.
  • Compressors Progress
    K-000, K-120, AKSU, UPDKS, etc.

About Progress

Progress Plant is an industrial enterprise that produces high—tech equipment and is one of the five largest enterprises in the Tambov region.

    High reliability and simplicity of design, large power reserve, long-term operation, increased productivity.

    High mechanical accuracy, energy efficiency, the use of modern technologies, a wide range of products.

    Remote and local control, regulation of work processes, compliance with nuclear safety requirements.

Information Board Progress

Learn more about our products Progress.
  • Price list for products of the plant Progress
    Price list for products
  • Questionnaire for the selection of a hydraulic pump в магазине Прогресс
    Questionnaire for the selection of a hydraulic pump
  • Questionnaire for ordering compressor equipment	 производства Прогресс
    Questionnaire for ordering compressor equipment
  • Questionnaire for choosing a DC motor поставщика Прогресс
    Questionnaire for choosing a DC motor
  • Questionnaire for selection of asynchronous electric motors в магазине Прогресс
    Questionnaire for selection of asynchronous electric motors


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